RE-A map of life :)

Minggu, 18 Maret 2012


Alita Arifiana Anisa : 2010

A.    Overview
Education world is one of many sides of life which is almost always gets the society’s critics. The critics are useful to make the implementation of education, better and better. In the other words we can say that society still have belief that education is one of  the agent of high quality life although as all know that the progress of our education has not any significant changes.
Realize to the urgency of better education the government tries to develop our education by launch the new rules of education.  UU nomor 20 tentang Sisdiknas tahun 2003 pasal 50 ayat 3 stated that:
“Pemerintah dan/atau Pemerintah Daerah menyelenggarakan sekurang-kurangnya satu satuan pendidikan pada semua jenjang pendidikan untuk dikembangkan menjadi satum pendidikan yang bertaraf Internasional.
In the implementation of International School or class has their own problem, like the quality of the educator specially in speaking English, there is still no main rule that set the quality standart of international school and class, and also the wrong idea about the image of international school or classes.
B.     Purpose
The pupose of this analysis is to know abou the problem faced by International school and classes an also the solution that we may applied.

C.    Problem
1.      What is the problem faced by international school and classes?
2.      What kind of solution that we may applied to solve the problem of international school and class?

A.    Introduction
International school is the new trend of our education. This trend began from the launching of  UU nomor 20 tentang Sisdiknas tahun 2003 pasal 50 ayat 3. Because of that rules many school in Indonesia transforming to be International school, or open the new class called International class. In the university grade, this fever called “World Class University’ (WCU).
The society welcome the International label very well, they believe that International schools or classes are able to make their children fluent in english, excellent in academic sides and deliver their children to many country in the world. But, Daru Wahyuningsih, one of the lecturer of Universitas Sebelas Maret stated that, “The government give 5 years long to provide the International school or Classes in each regional government.”, she also said that,” Until now there is no legal rule as the foundation of the implementation and quality standard of International School or Classes.”. Because there still no rule that sets the quality standard of international School an Classes, there are a lot of interpretation abou international label, most of them define the  “International” by using English in the learning processes, using high technology to support the education, and the international standard off facilities.
The International School and Classes that believed as one of the best solution to repair our education faced many technical problems in its implementation specially in the quality of the educator. The decision to uses English as the main language to deliver the material in International Schools and Classes make the educators have minimally 600 point of TOEIC, and based from the research, 60% educators or teacher in Indonesia have lower grade of TOEIC. This real problem absolutely influence the transfer of knowledge done by the teacher because if the teacher cannot deliver the material well (in English), the material will not accepted well too by the student. It means that will is strong enough to be main capital in making international school or classes, we need more that will, we need thje readiness of school’s competency, educator and facilities.
B.     Eduscation Theories
There are some theories of education that is related to the urgency or the competent teacher specially in International School, such us:
1.      Ki Hajar Dewantara
There are some ideas from the expert of education about the urgency of good teacher, one of them stated by Ki Hajar Dewantara. He said that there are three main function of teacher in education process, first, Ing Ngarsa Sung Tuladha, it means that in front of the student, teacher has be able to be an example in all part of life, like attitude, behavior, intelligence (including the using of English in international school). Second, Ing Madya Mangun Karsa, it means that teacher has to be able to make the opportunity and deliver it to the student by discussing around them. The discussion will not run well while the used language can be understood by the student. And the last is Tut Wuri Handayani, from behind the teachers motivated their student, the motivation will transferred well while the using of English is well.
2.      Dwi Siswoyo
The next expert is Dwi Siswoyo, based on his book, he stated that education is a system which have a lot of component which is interrelate each other to achieve the goals, if one of the component cannot run well, the system cannot run well too and the goals of education  become harder to achieved. There are three main component of education, teachers, students, and goals. If the teacher cannot deliver the material well (in English), the system will not run well and the glory of international school’s goals become further and further
3.      .Albert Bandura
Albert Bandura based on his Bobo Doll research belief that there are a process of education in doing observation (pengamatan). He found that a kid imitate the criminal treatment to her bobo doll after looking at the adult around her do so. The relation to the implementation of International school is the teacher habe to be able to give example in all part if life specially the point related to education. If the teacher do not applied a good English in school, the student wont too, and if the teacher applied it consistently, the student will too.
4.      Barlow
Barlow stated that teacher has to have some competency to do their jobs professionally. There are three main competency that teacher has to have:
a.       Afective Competency
Aective competency means that teacher have a good personality and attitude to support the education processes.
b.      Psicomotor Compentency
This competency allow teacher to have and active learning by their physical condition.’
c.       Cognitive Competency
Teachers have to have an enough capacity that will allow them to deliver material to the student well. The cognitive competency included the academic knowledge, general knowledge and also language skill.
From the explanation above the can say that to have a good transfer of knowledge teacher have to have three main competency, specially for the international teacher, language skill become very important to have effective learning, because it is included the cognitive competency for international teacher that they have to fulfilled.
C.    Analysis
In education process, teachers have a strategic position that will influence the result of education (Dwi siswanto). Just like what the expert said that teacher have to be able to be an example for the student, the good example will give positive effect while negative example will obstruct the transfer of knowledge process (Bandura and ki Hajar Dewantara). Teacher also have to have three main basic competencies, one of them is cognitive competency. In doing their job professionally, teacher have to have enough intellectual capital, included language skill. (Barlow)
Related to the problem faced by the implementation of International Class, all the theories show us that the using of good language have very important function in education process itself.  Language have very important participation in delivering definition, purposes and main point if information, if the definition, purposes and main point of information cannot delivered well the processes of education will be useless, because the main essence of education is transferring information and knowledge.
D.    Suggestion
The main problem we discuss above is about the using of English as the international language in education process. The basic purpose of international school is perfect, i.e make Indonesian student’s quality comparable with student in the other country. That is why that glorious purpose have to supported by the readiness from the school to provide all the factors that can bring that purpose  to the reality. Will is not enough to create the real international school, we need more than will, we need readiness.
Looking at the earlier explanation that international school in present is only about using the international language, adapting the international curriculum, and using high technology. This kind of main set is not wrong but we have to add one more basic understanding that international label is not only represent from the language, technology and curriculum, it mostly represent from the international way of think, main set, and working ethos.
The author suggests the education parties to:
1.      To achieve the glorious goal of international school, we have to have strong will and mature readiness.
2.      Internationalize not only the curriculum, language and technology of international school, but also internationalize the way of think, main set and working ethos.

International school is the new trend of our education. This trend began from the launching of  UU nomor 20 tentang Sisdiknas tahun 2003 pasal 50 ayat 3. Because of that rules many school in Indonesia transforming to be International school, or open the new class called International class. In the university grade, this fever called “World Class University’ (WCU).
In the implementation of International School or class has their own problem, like the quality of the educator specially in speaking English, This real problem absolutely influence the transfer of knowledge done by the teacher because if the teacher cannot deliver the material well (in English), the material will not accepted well too by the student. It means that will is strong enough to be main capital in making international school or classes, we need more that will, we need thje readiness of school’s competency, educator and facilities.
In education process, teachers have a strategic position that will influence the result of education (Dwi siswanto). Just like what the expert said that teacher have to be able to be an example for the student, the good example will give positive effect while negative example will obstruct the transfer of knowledge process (Bandura and ki Hajar Dewantara). Teacher also have to have three main basic competencies, one of them is cognitive competency. In doing their job professionally, teacher have to have enough intellectual capital, included language skill. (Barlow)
Related to the problem faced by the implementation of International Class, all the theories show us that the using of good language have very important function in education process itself.  Language have very important participation in delivering definition, purposes and main point if information, if the definition, purposes and main point of information cannot delivered well the processes of education will be useless, because the main essence of education is transferring information and knowledge.
The basic purpose of international school is perfect, i.e make Indonesian student’s quality comparable with student in the other country. That is why that glorious purpose have to supported by the readiness from the school to provide all the factors that can bring that purpose  to the reality. Will is not enough to create the real international school, we need more than will, we need readiness.
Speaking about International school is speaking about international language, but it would be better id the international school is not only emphasized to the language but also the international way of think, main set, and working ethos.
  1. - Mencetak Guru Sciene Berbahasa Inggris
Orangtua siswa kelas internasional ternyata bersedia membayar SPP lebih. ... Kendala umum itu adalah: kekurangan tenaga guru, ruang belajar, .... yang ada telah mampu memfasilitasi proses pembelajaran siswanya dalam bahasa Indonesia. ...
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10 Des 2010 ... Konon kabarnya sekolah RSBI mempunyai masalah, betulkah? .... siswa membuat sekolah-sekolah SBI ini tidak dapat dimasuki oleh anak-anak dari ...
  1. Fenomena Kelas Internasional Unggulan atau Sebatas Gengsi? | Koran ...
2 Feb 2010 ... “Sistem pembelajaran kelas internasional lebih menekankan pada aspek penguasaan bahasa Inggris yang lebih banyak dalam kegiatan pengantar ...
  1. Teori Sosial Kognitif dari Albert Bandura « pelita.anak.amaine
8 Apr 2010 ... Teori ini dikembangkan oleh Albert Bandura seorang psikolog pendidikan dari Stanford University, USA. Teori belajar ini dikembangkan untuk ...
5.      Sugihartono, dkk. 2007.Psikologi Pendidikan, Yogyakarta : UNY-press
6.      Siswantoyo, Dwi. 2008. Ilmu Pendidikan. Yogyakarta : UNY-press

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